Debian Developer, Diversity Team, Social Team, Backports Team, Website Team

Accepted Talks:

Debian Diversity BoF

For some, talking about diversity within the development community seems to be not part of what Debian is about, and that is Free Software. In this BoF we want to discuss how diversity within the community actually is enhancing and moving forward the project more than assumed, and how different live circumstances actually can lead to different views on how to approach things and thus also stir more creative approaches, for the benefit of all.

Debconf Poetry Night

During debconf12 in Nicaragua, we met in a bar and had some poetry. It was a great idea that inspired to have on during debconf13 in Switzerland next to the campfire, which also gave it a great ambience. debconf15 in Germany also had one at the “stonehenge” place, unfortunately there was a concert scheduled at the same time, so the idea sort of faded away …

It would be great to try it once again. I’ve been personally approached by several people that would be interested to give it another try. It would be great if people that want to present something can contact me beforehand so that I know about the amount of poetry (self written, something you relate to a lot with potentially some personal remarks, …) we will have, to see if we can lift this off again. Let’s bring back some written thoughts that are moving.

Forwards to a Federated Future

Federated social networks are a user-centered alternative to the centralized, data-collection based ones everybody knows.

From their beginnings as a place to talk about federated social networks, they have now grown into a rich environment

And thanks to the efforts of the DebianSocial team, Debian contributors can find a home on the Fediverse to share what they’re doing in the project and to showcase their work, collaborate with others and share knowledge.

This talk will start with a presentation about the federated social networks, what they look like today and why they are important and relevant to the Debian community, and will continue with a presentation of the work of the DebianSocial team.